Saturday, 21 February 2015

A rainbow of food!

I’m conscious that every time I decide to implement a new post with fresh ideas for this blog, I reveal snapshots of a mind at war, through fragments which apparently cover tasks in my learning, but at the same time it gives me the opportunity to express some of my interests.
On this occasion, after my confession about “my love for food, although I don’t like cooking”, I’d like to share a better presentation, which deals with the importance of having a healthy diet, eating more fruit and vegetables every day.
If you are in a hurry, skip the first five minutes.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Living on the fringes of society

Sitting in the ivory tower of our privileged situation, where our worries are about buying a superb car and having a good holiday, there are many citizens, who suffer the greatest violence that this society can inflict upon them: the INVISIBILITY that unfortunately is associated with a shortage of financial resources. Nowadays, we are spectators of a world, where we want to think that only a minority are on the verge of poverty and social exclusion; where drug addiction is only a problem in outlying neighbourhoods; where discrimination against the several differences that enrich this boring society are from the past; where greed is called ambition. However, that world is not a TV programme, but a reality that many charitable organizations, such as Cáritas, the Red Cross or Food Bank are seeing every day.